Let’s get one fact clear – Termites and bed bugs are not the same. Bed bugs thrive on the blood of other animals and can be quite a nuisance at night. Termites are worse. These small insects live on wood and need moisture to survive. If you start seeing termites in plain sight in your Austin home, the chances are high that the infestation is worse than you imagine. Don’t be tempted to try DIY hacks that you find on the internet. Instead, call professional pest control Austin, TX, at the earliest. There are some reliable services in the city that can offer comprehensive solutions. For your help, here are some key signs of termite infestation.
1. Structural Damage

Yes, termites are capable of causing serious damage to your house. Typically, you would find the initial signs around windows and doors. Because termites actually eat wood, the frame of a door or window may get damaged. You may also find that the baseboards are crumbling, and windows won’t normally open like before.
2. Damaged Paint

Termites are known to chew on cardboard and paint and can cause damage to wallpapers and paint. You may find that the paint has bubbled up or the wallpaper has tiny holes in it. When you call pest control, they will look for signs of infestation, which may involve removing the paint or wallpaper to find damage.
3. Discarded Wings

Swarmer termites are known to shed wings, especially when they are ready to start a new colony. You may find discarded wings around the windows and doors. You may also find dead termites around the house. If you see insects that are flying, don’t merely assume that these are flying ants. Instead, let the pest control experts inspect your property.
4. Unusual mud tubes

Termites need moisture to thrive, and some species are known to have thin exoskeletons, which can make survival tough. As such, these pests may create mud tubes around the house, especially on the exteriors. These tubes look almost like veins and offer a perfect shelter for termites to continue their work. You can also try breaking mud tubes to find live termites inside.
Termite droppings: If you have a case of dry wood termite infestation, you may find droppings on the floor, which may look like small pellets.
You can protect your home
Pests are also known to cause damage to buildings. Rats, for example, often travel far and chew anything in search of food. Termites can damage wooden components and even impact the structural integrity of your building. Spending thousands of dollars on renovation and repairs make little sense when you can use pest control and fix the problem in the early stages.
You can do your part for the environment
Scientists and environmentalists have expressed their concerns with regard to pest control activities. Chemicals and pesticides often pose serious environmental concerns and can be threatening to other animals and species. Thankfully, many pest control companies are following the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach, where they only use chemicals that are safe and only when necessary. By going for professional services, you can do your part.
Finally, let’s add that pest control services are not that expensive for typical cases. If you detect the initial signs of infestation, the entire project can be done in fewer sessions. Just get an estimate before you approve a pest control company for the job.
Don’t ignore the signs of termite infestation – Call pest control now to know more about extermination methods.