Undoubtedly, the academic world has changed dramatically in recent years. With the ever-growing importance of standardized test scores and GPAs, many students feel immense pressure to succeed in school. This pressure has only increased with social media, where everyone seems to be leading a perfect life. One way to stand out from the crowd and ease some of this pressure is by writing a killer argumentative essay. This article highlights the practical steps to writing a killer argumentative essay.
Selecting An Exciting Topic
Before you can start writing an argumentative essay, you need to choose a good topic. It can settle on something you love doing or any other attractive aspect. Deciding on a topic that you can argue for or against is essential.
Choose Quality Sources
When writing an argumentative essay, you must choose quality and the latest research sources as a viable approach to ensuring you write an exciting, well-researched, and convincing essay.
There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing sources for your essay:
- Ensure the source is reliable. You can do this by performing a background check to see if the authors are experts in their fields or reviewing the source to see if it is peer-reviewed.
- Ensure the information is up-to-date. Outdated research sources will not be as helpful or convincing.
- Choose a variety of sources. Try to find different points of view on your topic to make your argument more well-rounded.
- Be careful of biased sources. It is essential to be aware of any biases present in your sources so that you can consider them when evaluating the information.
Read Through the Sources

Assuming you’ve been assigned an argumentative essay and have chosen a side in the ongoing debate on said topic, it’s time to do your research. This means reading and understanding the opposing viewpoint; you’ll be disadvantaged if you’re only familiar with your evidence.
So read through the sources your teacher has provided, or find others if you’re allowed, and take notes. No matter how much you think you already know about the topic, there’s always something new to learn.
As you’re reading and taking notes, keep these three things in mind:
- What are the primary arguments being presented?
- What evidence is present to support those central points?
- How does this evidence relate to your position?
By understanding the other side’s case inside and out, you will be able to refute their claims more effectively and find some common ground. After all, both sides want what’s best for society; it’s just a matter of agreeing on how to get there.
A Solid Thesis Statement
It is a must for your thesis statement to be clear, concise, and arguable. If your thesis statement is weak or confusing, you face many difficulties when writing your essay.
When crafting your thesis statement, be sure to avoid making any of the following mistakes:
- Don’t make your thesis statement too broad.
- Don’t make your thesis statement too vague.
- Don’t try to argue for two contradictory points at once.
Outline Your Supporting Arguments
Outlining your primary supporting points is vital. Besides, these arguments need evidence to back them. This could include data, statistics, expert opinions, or real-life examples. Ensure your evidence is solid and convincing, as this will be crucial in swaying your reader to see things from your perspective.
Locate a Counterargument (Optional)
When writing an argumentative essay, it is crucial to anticipate and address counterarguments.
Addressing counterarguments in your essay will make it more substantial and persuasive.
Conduct More Research

Before starting your argumentative essay, you mustresearch the topic you will write about. This will help you build a strong foundation for your essay and give you something to argue for or against.
When conducting additional research, it is important to find reputable sources to use as evidence in your essay.
Once you have gathered all of your research, take some time to evaluate it and determine what points you want to make in your essay. Use your research to support these points and refute any opposing arguments.
Include Transitions Between Paragraphs
An argumentative essay should flow smoothly, from one paragraph to the next, with logical transitions between each main point. The concluding sentence of each body paragraph should summarize the critical points made in that paragraph and lead into the following paragraph. By using clear transitions, you can help your readers follow your argument and see how each point leads to the next.
Write Your Conclusion
Assuming you’ve done an excellent job of arguing your point throughout your essay, you should have no trouble writing a solid conclusion. You can restate the central points in your conclusion and affirm that you have proved the thesis. Again, you can finalize with a definite statement that leaves a lasting impression on your reader.
Add Citations and Bibliography
Citations and bibliographies are essential for academic writing. They allow you to give credit to your sources and avoid plagiarism.
You must utilize in-text citations when writing your essay. These in-text citations acknowledge the source of information you are writing in your essay. Again, remember to add a bibliography, which can include books, articles, websites, etc. List them all in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.
Edit and Proofread Your Essay

You must ensure your argumentative essay is well-written and error-free. Before you submit your final copy to your professor, utilize the extra time you might have to edit and proofread it.
Once you have edited your essay, it is time to proofread it. This involves checking for any remaining errors, such as typos or misspellings. To proofread effectively, read your essay aloud once more or have someone else read it aloud to you. Doing so will help you catch any remaining errors you may have missed.
Writing an excellent argumentative essay in 2023 should not be a challenging task. However, you must apply some essential steps to achieve this goal. This article has highlighted some vital factors to consider when planning and writing an argumentative essay. Indeedapplying these tricks will help you craft a perfect piece that will resonate with the reader long after they finish reading.